RUMORS: 5th Edition Omnibus

Hi all,
Today we hear the following hints and whispers regarding the upcoming release:
- You may ‘Run’ after deepstriking
- Deepstrike Mishap Table (roll when you scatter onto other models or off table) is 1-2: Dead, 3-4: Opponent places your models down, 5-6: Units get placed into reserve again.
- Turn 5 your reserves automatically come on (unless they were placed back in Reserve)
- Swarms have an amended USR to state they are never scoring.
- All models regardless of whether they are scoring or not can still contest objectives
Yet more information points to a very cut down rulebook that only allows play with the included models. The transport rules for example are not included, and none of the basic missions at all.
- 1 Marine Captain with Powersword. Very ornate with a large cape many tassels. He amazingly has hair!
- 10 Marine Tactical Squad. Sergeant with Bolt pistol and CCW. Missile Launcher, Flamer. ~the old school classic
- 1 Dreadnought: Multimelta and Stormbolter.
- 5 Terminators: 1 Sergeant with Powersword. The squad has Stormbolters and Powerfists with no heavy weapon provided. ~I believe you get some spare heavy weapons with the standard Terminator boxed set so making 2 squads should still work out normally
- The marines are described as exceptional and you will have a difficult time telling them apart from the fully poseable models. Skuttlebutt says these have tactical symbols and and Ultramarine symbol molded onto them.
- Ork Warboss is VERY LARGE. He’s armed with a twin-linked shoota and Klaw. He is holding his power klaw out to the side pointing with one of the claws.
- 20 Ork boyz split into two 10-boy mobs. Each has a big shoota. Reportedly indistinguishable from the regular ork boyz.
- 5 Nobs: All are armed with slugga & choppa. Large models.
- 3 Deff Koptas: AMAZING! The standouts of the boxed set. They are described to be very much like the one depicted in the ork codex. Standard orky construction with spare parts and bitz all over. State of the art detail for snap-fit models.
~As usual, caveat emptor, and time will tell. Sources indicate that some of the models provided are aimed at existing gamers and provide things that are not currently available any other way (deffcoptas, Multi-melta dread). Overall, I think I have to side with GW on this one and support the cut down rulebook (if it’s true). As I mentioned in an earlier post, they are treading a fine line of needing to train up new players into the hobby while maximizing sales of the big rulebook to the entire community. Its a tough call, and I think its the right one. Let us know what you think. (and remember, no chairs!)