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SNEAK PEAK: Macharian Crusade and stuff…

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Jun 10 2008
Warhammer 40K Hot story icon

Hi again guys.

Two quick pieces of news then on to the fun stuff:

1) New GW FAQs for the Dark Angels and Orks are out. Go check em out.

2) Tomorrow is the deadline for the Macharian IG Regiment Competition, so get those submissions in!!!

OK, on to the fun. Here is one of our favorite ICs from the Campaign book. Chem Lord Maharana is quite a unique fellow and always adds a certain amount of fun into games if things go his way. Once you understand his special rule, his wargear makes a lot more sense šŸ™‚

~Check him out and let me know what you like, dislike, would change, clarify, or even how you would model this rascal of the Imperium. He is very much a work in progress.

Author: Larry Vela
  • NEWS: Forgeworld Releases

    Warhammer 40K