Capitol Imperialis: Part IV
The Beast is base coated…whew.
Once bulwark finished construction on the chassis, he turned the monster over to me to detail and paint. I think the fact that his wife basicly hucked it out of the house had something to do with it as well. š
In any case, here she is, ready for final detail painting. I probably going to use white as a counterpoint color in isolated places to break up the un-ending fields of green on the Cap-Imp. I’m also working up a special Banner sheet for it as she will be festooned with enormous banners of Cadia and General Crassus’ 5th Army Group. Her name is Viridis Castellum; The Green Castle.
Here’s a look at one of the test campaign banners in progress.
You can also see the Leman Russ for scale. Like the old saying goes, don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.
~The Macharian Crusade book is coming hot on the heels of 5th Edition. Keep your eye’s peeled for the Crusade Logo Sheet later this week. What will your IG army be bringing to the Macharian Crusade to earn Glory to the Emperor? Remember you can find BoLS rules for the Cap-Imp here.