SNEAK PEAK: Apocalypse Reload Strategic Assets

Info brought to the community by Dakka Dakka’s: reds8n
Hi guys,
You all know how I love Apocalypse games. Here we have a list of the new Strategic Assets coming up in the Apocalypse Relaod book, and some notes on some of them. The book hits shelves next week.
Universal: Replacements, Hammer Blow, Trophy Kill
Imperium: Disengage and Rearm, Holy War, General Staff
Imperial Guard: Defence Line, Strongholds, On My Coordinates, Tank Riders
Marines: Heroic Stand, Crusade Banner, Legion Relic
Orks: Da Big Waaagh, Effigy of Gork (or Mork), Mek Workshop, Rok’em Boyz
Tau: Darkstar Warhead, Icefire Warhead, Remote Drone Network
Eldar: Waygate, Phantasm, Eldritch Tempest
Tyranids: They’re All Around Us!, World Digestion, Spore Chimneys
Chaos Daemons: Blood Thirst of Khorne, Plaguestorm, Mirage of Tzeentch, Grand Pavane of Slaanesh, Major Possession
Necrons: Subvert Machine, Cannibalise Technology, Reconstruction Scarabs
Chaos Marines: Chaos Altar, Corrupt and Despoil, Indiscriminate Bombardment, Daemon Shell
Dark Eldar: Lords of Twilight, Strike of the Serpent, Webway Assault.
~Some of these are said to be spectacular. Plaguestorm is said to function like the old Virus Grenade from 2nd edition, jumping from model to model killing them in turn until a fortunate one survives! Holy War is an asset for Sisters! It is said to grant Relentless and Rage to all Sororitas who are outside of their deployment zone. So apparently no datasheets, but at least the sisters got an asset to call their own.