SNEAK PEAK: Apocalypse Reload Table of Contents

Image brought to the community by Bolter and Chainsword’s: Syphid
Hi guys. Look what the tubes washed up on our shores today. Apocalypse Reload is due out in the next couple of weeks I believe and here is a Table of Contents so we can get a glimpse at what lurks between its covers.
As we had heard earlier, it looks like a little under half of these formations are from the previously released GW Apocalypse website. There are a lot of intriguing goodies in there, and a set of new army-specific Strategic Assets. There is also a giant battle report in there.
~There are pretty interesting things in there, like what the heck a Tyranid Living Fortress is, or pretty much any of the Necron ones, and the Hounds of Huron sounds cool as a callout to the Astral Claws/Red Corsairs (if thats what it is). The 88-page large-format book is going for $25 so Apocalypse fanatics like me are going to grab it as soon as it hits the shelves. Still, though I feel sad to see two seperate Apocalypse books leaving out the Witch/Deamon hunters… There were rumors months ago that WH datasheets were in the development pipe, but apparently they have not panned out yet.