NEWS: Forgeworld Siege of Vraks-2

Today Forgeworld put up Siege of Vraks;Part 2 up for preorder. This book continues the story of the ten year Imperial siege of the Armoury World of Vraks from the Apostate Cardinal Xaphan. While victory seemed close at hand, the Cardinal has obtained the support of the Ruinous Powers who have sent him aid. From the pics it would seem the Imperium is sending the Death Korps some heavy titan reinforcements. As with Siege of Vraks part 1, early versions of the book will ship with a double-sided Death Korps poster shown below.
Siege of Vraks; Part 2 Pre-order
Product details (lots of cool pics)
~You can bet BoLS will be picking up this one. We are titan-crazy around here, and I really want to see what rules Forgeworld settles on for the Reaver. Some of the earlier test versions of them were pretty far out!