RUMORS: Codex Space Marines Odds and Ends

Hi guys. Here are a few more morsels from some agents in the know:
Honour Guard
Honour Guard (available to Chapter Master’s only) have artificer armour, bolters, bolt pistols, grenades, and power weapons. They can replace their power weapons with relic blades (S:6, two-handed power weapons) and also have various other options such as storm shields (3+ invulnerable save against all attacks) and auxillary grenade launchers (a 12” grenade launcher that can be fired in addition to any other weapon each and every turn). Marneus Calgar allows the player to field three squads of Honour Guard instead than the standard one squad.
Tabletop Performance
Combat Tactics
Playing against this in an actual game was not bad as you can still attempt to sweep the marines (as with ATSKNF, they take wounds as if they are fearless if caught). Every time my marine opponent tried it my nasty and quick assault units caught them, and Combat Tactics only forced him to take more armour saves. If the marines had been successful more often I may have had a different opinion on Combat Tactics.
This has changed a little. Marines automatically rally at the begining of their turn and can act normally (they do not count as moving, and don’t get the 3″ consolidate). They still can’t rally if an enemy is within 6″. Other than that, it’s the exact same.
General Gameplay Thoughts
Overall, the game felt like I was playing a codex marine list. I’m not saying that simply because my opponent wasn’t useing any of the new codex’s flashy new units, but the army played like marines should. Perhaps if I get whacked by some of those new units I’ll change my opinion.
When the marine codex comes out, GW will release updated FAQs for the DA, BA and BT list making some of the changes carry over to them. ATSKNF is a good candidate for this as it is written much more cleanly in the new codex.
~As usual folks, caveat emptor. I shudder at the total cost of an Honour Guard unit kitted out with all the goodies. As for the battle report, it seems like the list may be nice and balanced after all. Our intrepid agent certainly didn’t have a “sky is falling” take on the new codex after facing them on the tabletop. Your thoughts?