Tuesday Omnibus

A few things today,
GW Space Marine Preview
First up we have GW throwing up their Codex Space Marine Preview. Go check it out, as there are a lot of nice looking spreads shown in thier “teensy-weensy cant quite read it” mode.
‘Ardboys Discussion
Head on over to Mkerr’s ‘Ardboys discussion thread on the Flywire and see if you can help him come up with a solution to the age old “To Armored Company or not to Armored Company” debate.
Lords of Battle Casting Call
Thirdly, its Lords of Battle casting call time. I’m in dire need of some good pics of the following minis for use in the Lords of Battle 2.0 mini-dex. If anyone has a good painted shots of any of these vehicles either in Epic Scale, or even better as 40k scale vehicles (armorcast or scratchbuilt), please chime in and let me know. If you don’t mind, I might just want use your pic (with proper credit of course) in the updated book. I’m looking for:
Leviathan Command Vehicle
Deathstrike Missile Launcher
Knight Paladin
Knight Lancer
Knight Warden
Hellknight of Slaanesh
Contagion Plague Engine
Tyranid Dominatrix
~Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope! Consider this an open thread guys and have at it. Any one working on cool conversions or crazy projects out there?