Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day folks! For our overseas readers, happy Working on Monday Day!
On this day of barbecueing and kicking back I have a very special treat for you and a tantalizing mystery. Maybe this post is just a sort of cleansing group therapy, but just check these cool minis out!
I’ve recently been re-organizing my hobby room and came across a box containing some long lost minis including the first ones I ever painted. I thought that with all the comments about the Death Guard and my titans, you should all see how I started out. Now be warned… this stuff is circa 1987… Behold, my first foray into GW minis, a squad of totally badass Dark Elves. While I have no explanation for my odd decision of equipping each one with a different weapon I firmly believe you will agree with my trusty instincts that a Dark Elf holding a stick of dynamite is not to trifled with!
Second is my first 40k mini ever, a Blood Angel from the RTB-1 plastic boxes set. Back then it was 30 marines for $30!!! I believe he has a black arm and helmet because according to some ancient White Dwarf that indicated the marine was an aspirant to the Reclusiam, and had taken the first steps on the path of the Chaplain.
Finally, I leave you with an enigma. That top picture of the Amazon Poison Dart Frog has caught my eye and is the current focus of my painting table. I wonder what it could mean?
~This is an official Labor Day “take the piss out of yourself” thread, so if you all have truly horrible and embarrasing minis from your starting days, lets see em! We all had to start somewhere and now you’ve seen my worst. Come on in, the water’s fine! We will be back to reguarly scheduled posts tomorrow. Have a great holiday!