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NEWS: Space Marines

2 Minute Read
Sep 15 2008
Warhammer 40K

The September 20 Space Marine Spearhead release in the USA is now just a few days away. With the arrival of the new Space Marine Codex imminent and all the great new rules and miniatures that go with it soon to be available, I was wondering, how many hobbyists will:

– be starting another new Codex Space Marine army?
– be starting a Codex Space Marine army for the first time?
– continue to avoid Codex Space Marines like they carry Nurgle’s Rot because they just never have any interest in collecting or playing Space Marines?

For those building a new Space Marine army, whether it be the first such army or one of many, it might be interesting to hear how many people will be using the Assault On Black Reach miniatures as part of their new army. Personally, I’ll be using about five sets worth of the Black Reach Space Marines as the heart of my new Codex Space Marines army. I will be upgrading some of my Black Reach Marines with bits left over from all the multi-part Space Marine kits I used for my Dark Angels and I’ll be adding a bunch of other Space Marine kits and vehicles as well. Years ago I built a Space Wolf army and I now have a roughly 5,000 point Dark Angel army I just finished earlier this year, but I’m anxious to build my own chapter using the new Codex Space Marines. It will be my first army using the generic Marine Codex. Now let’s hear from the rest of you, new Marines, more Marines or no Marines, what will it be?

Author: Guest Columnist
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