ARMY LISTS: Black Templar Archetypes

Hi all, following up on Darkwynn’s Black Templar Introduction article, he has cooked up these sample 2000pt lists to illustrate each of the three archetypes he recommends. The vow for all of these is: Accept Any Challenge No Matter The Odds.
-Crusaders From the SkyMarshall
Thunderhammer, Term. Honors, Storm Shield, Artificer Armour
Emp. Champion
8 initiates
2 neophytes
Powerfist, Meltagun, Crusader Seals
Drop pod
8 initiates
2 neophytes
Powerfist, Meltagun, Crusader Seals
Drop pod
8 initiates
2 neophytes
Powerfist, Meltagun, Crusader Seals
Drop pod
8 initiates
2 neophytes
Powerfist, Meltagun, Crusader Seals
Drop pod
8 initiates
2 neophytes
Powerfist, Meltagun, Crusader Seals
Drop pod
7 initiates
2 neophytes
Powerfist, Meltagun, Crusader Seals
Drop pod
5 Terminators
2 Assault Cannons
1 Venerable Dread
Multi-melta, Heavy flamer, Extra Armour, Smoke
Tank hunters or Furious Charge
Drop pod
Land Speeder, Multi-melta
66 infantry, 7 drop pods, 2 vehicles
-Crusader HordeMarshall
Term. Honors, Storm shield, Thunder hammer
Emp. Champion
10 initiates
6 Neophytes
Meltagun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
10 initiates
6 Neophytes
Meltagun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
10 initiates
6 Neophytes
Meltagun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
10 initiates
6 Neophytes
Meltagun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
10 initiates
6 Neophytes
Meltagun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
5 Close Combat Assault Terminators
3 Lighting Claws, 2 Thunderhammers
Furious charge
Land Raider Crusader
87 infantry, 1 vehicle
-Mechanized Crusaders
Artificer Armor, Storm Shield, Thunderhammer, Term. Honors, Bionics
Emp. Champion
5 Close Combat Assault Terminators
3 Lighting Claws, 2 Thunderhammers
Furious Charge
Land Raider Crusader, Smoke
5 Close Combat Assault Terminators
3 Lighting Claws, 2 Thunderhammers
Furious Charge
Land Raider Crusader, Smoke
10 initiates
Melta gun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
Extra Armour, Smoke
10 initiates
Melta gun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
Extra Armour, Smoke
10 initiates
Melta gun, Powerfist, Crusader Seals
Extra Armour, Smoke
42 infantry, 5 vehicles
~Feel free to look these over. I’ve seen some of these on the tabletop and they all play like a ton of bricks that just smashes most opposition aside. I’m sure Darkwynn will be along shortly to respond to your comments.