BoLS Polls: Narrative Events?
Hi guys,
I’ve had a series of interesting conversations of late regarding the GW event scene worldwide and wanted to throw open a topic for you all to chime in on.
Lets start and define the basic world of 40k gaming. You have lots of isolated sets of private and semi-private clubs alongside the huge general 40k/fantasy population in GW stores and FLGS that have open gaming. Now what the vast majority of this gaming consists of are the standard run of the mill pickup play, where you bring your latest creation, show up, meet another player and go at it on a table of your creation. At a slightly more advanced level are pre-arranged games where both sides know what’s coming.
Mixed in with this are the standard tournament scene from the local events up to the big national ones, which have a big array of mission tweaks and variations, but are still basically pick-up game variants.
Once you get into some of the older clubs, you see narrative events and the rare campaign that immerse players not only in the “mechanical game” but the greater universe (40k or fantasy) as well; hoping to immerse the players in not only the physical game, but placing their games in a larger context. We also see these events in the rare GW global campaigns.
Undoubtably with the rise of ever larger prize support we have seen strong support for the standard ever-more competitive tourneys which seem to sell out earlier and earlier each year. My question is: Can the hobby support narrative events (with the standard entry fees and prize support seen in the standard tourney circuit)? If for instance you had the opportunity to travel to a tournament offering a detailed campaign pack, a guarantee of several exciting games, and a particular spot on a larger team roster (from as crude as Imperial vs other, to exotic multi-factioned events); along with a variety of prize support for different narrative and performance based parameters….would you go?
~In short can events that offers immersion into not only the game itself but the universe ever hold a flame to the no-holds-barred “pick-up game” tournament scene? Secondly let me know how you would envision such an event being organized to cover a 2-3 day weekend, and what categories would you offer prizes for? I keenly await your feedback…and hit the poll as well!