HOBBY: Custom Space Marine Chapter

I’ve been taking a break from my ongoing Eldar army project to get the colors and iconography of my custom Codex Space Marines army worked out. Some of you may have seen my recent completed paint scheme applied to the Assault On Black Reach (AOBR) Space Marine Captain. Now I’ve also painted an AOBR Tactical Squad and Dreadnought for the same army. With these models I’ve now worked out my basic uniform paint scheme and iconography that will then be applied to the rest of the army. There are pictures above of the Dreadnought and one below of the Tactical Squad. Note the limited palette of colors designed to create a strong, consistent theme. A mistake I made in my early days of model painting and that I sometimes see in the army painting of others is the use of too many colors. Two or three main colors with an accent color or two sprinkled carefully and judiciously throughout the army seems to work best as a general rule, especially with highly regimented armies with uniform equipment and armor like Space Marines.
I’m currently working on a Drop Pod for this army that should be finished quite soon. I’ll post a picture of that after it’s done with some tips on what I have found to be some of the most convenient ways to build and paint this great new model.
I’ve been working on all kinds of projects lately, jumping between Eldar, Space Marines and the occasional much-loved Chaos project. If anyone is interested in seeing one of my other recent creations, I’ve built another Brass Scorpion and placed it on eBay.
When my new Space Marine army is complete, it will have six 10-man Tactical Squads built from AOBR marines and about as many Terminator Squads of 5 men each. There will be 6 AOBR Dreadnoughts, some of which I’m converting to various weapon options and possibly even a couple Ironclads. A Land Raider Redeemer, Legion of the Damned conversions, a Master of the Forge, some Librarians, Vindicators, a Thunderfire Cannon, and more are also planned. Like all my armies, this project comprises too many models and too much fun!