NEWS: Space Marine Releases, Oct. 18

The following Space Marine miniatures will be released this weekend on October 18. All prices are listed in US dollars:
– Ultramarines Captain Sicarius ($15)
– Crimson Fists Pedro Cantor ($15)
– Ultramarines Chaplain Cassius ($15)
– Sternguard Veterans ($35 for box of 5)
– Vanguard Veterans ($35 for box of 5)
The Warriors of Chaos Spearhead will also be released on October 18.
These are the final Space Marine releases for now and the beginning of the new Warriors of Chaos releases, but we all know there are more good things coming along for Space Marines in the hopefully not too distant future. I know I’ll continue to check the online GW Advance Order page for regular updates. I hope it’s not too long of a wait till the Land Speeder Storm appears!