TACTICA: Dealing With the 3 Armies of Ork
First post for me here, and I decided to go with a little bit of Ork Tactics with the three different army lists you might see when dealing with the Ork Menace. The three common lists you might see when playing in a Tournament are Horde, Battle Wagon Express, or Nob Bikerz/Wazdakka 4000!!. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. I will give a little break down of each army type, a little tactics overview on them, plus a way to neutralize them if you happen to face the army often.
Ork Horde:
Battle Wagon Express:
Ork Biker Army:
So what do I play personally? I play a mixed horde/biker list. I like the advantages a horde army gives you with any objective based mission, plus I enjoy an extremely hard hitting assault unit that can pour out the damage as well as take it. Here is my current list I have painted up. I’m still finishing up another 90 ork boyz, to allow me to have a fun horde army to cover my local tables. I doubt I will play it in a tournament, as it can be a pain to push around that many dorks on the field.
HQ: Warboss, bike, cybork, pk, bosspole, attack squig, combit skorcha
HQ: Big Mek, shokk attack gun, 3 ammo runts (it is fun!)
Troops: Nobz (8), PK (4), Pain boy, waagh banner, bosspole, bikes, cybork
Troops: Shoota boyz (29), Rokkits (3), Nob, PK, Bosspole
Troops: Shoota boyz (29), Rokkits (3), Nob, PK, Bosspole
Troops: Slugga/Choppa (29), Rokkits (3), Nob, PK, Bosspole
Elites: Lootas (15)
Fast Attack: Deff Koptas (5), TWL Rokkits
Scoring: 4, Killpoints: 8 Total: 2000
I like the amount of rokkits I throw around, so rhinos and light vehicles are not as much of a threat. Mix that with the long range of Lootas and I have a nice advantage versus Eldar and any dreadnought I might see across the table. The Deff Koptas are just there as a nuisance and as a way to be thrown in front of unit to provide a nice meat shield to pull an assault away or keep an assault unit out of the deadly 6 inch barrier to one of the larger boy squads.
And as a nice side note, here is some new Daemon art I was doodling up.
If you have any questions about the list or want to know more, shoot me an email. And again, the link below takes you to my art and miniature commission site.