The sniper conversion is very similar to the Arbite conversion. The elbow and knee pads can be done just like for the Arbitor, but lets go adifferent way with the gun.
The end of the barrel was clipped off completely, and then replaced with a catachan lasgun barrel. If you don’t have any spare catachan lasguns sitting around, but are planning on building a few black mariahs, you can use the lasguns off of those sprues instead. This adds about 25 to 30% to the length of the gun.
Remember all those barrels you clipped off for the arbite shotguns? Well I hope you saved them, because now it is time to use them. Glue the barrels end to end and then place them on top of the gun for your scope.
To visually separate the snipers from the arbites, I chose different heads. The helmeted tank commander heads from the imperial guard tank accessory sprue were used. The ones with the visors look especially cool.