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DESIGN CHALLENGE: Star Phantoms Scheme Edition

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Nov 26 2008
Warhammer 40K

OK guys,

After exhausting every scrap of background we can find, we’ve struck out on the paint scheme for the Badab War’s Star Phantoms.

This chapter was brought into the warzone after several years and charged with assaulting Badab itself and smashing the Astral Claws. They have an entire piece of fiction dedicated to them in Cities of Death, yet no images, or even hints as to thier appearance appear.

Thats where you guys come in!

In one week I will select the best Chapter scheme submissions and put them up for a BoLS reader poll. The winning scheme gets into the Badab book. The submission rules are:

1) The Deadline is December 3rd.
2) The submission should be created using Bolter and Chainsword’s superb space marine painter tool. (you may have to do a screen capture and cut out the image)
3) Make the marine background white. (not the gridlines)
4) Throw in a short explanation for the color scheme and armor/equipment options selected. (2 sentences max)
5) Submit the image and the text to the BoLS emailbox (top right column) with the subject line “STAR PHANTOMS”.
6) For Extra Credit you can attach a suggested Chapter Logo.

~Turn on those artistic skill and good luck! The title image is an Black Templar example of the type of image we’re looking for.

Author: Larry Vela
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    Warhammer 40K