RUMORS: Apocalypse Inbound

Hi guys,
Remember those two earlier posts we had a while back regarding the rumored Stompa and Baneblade variants? Well whispers on the wind tell us the following:
This kit is apparently designed to be somewhat “modular”and allow the construction of any of the Stompa variants from either the hardcover Apocalypse book or Apocalypse Reload.
Baneblade Variant
Apparently this one will have a selection of buildouts allowing for several of our favorite fixed turret baneblade variants. There is recurring chatter of roughly five options possible with this kit.
This Apocaplyse launch window is still said to be on track for arrival in your greedy, sweaty hands in March.
~Standard caveats folks, but boy oh boy! Bulwark may be out of the homebrew stompa business soon, so now maybe he’ll finally start on that Ork Landa I’ve been egging him on to do. For myself, that Baneblade kit sounds like just the trick to help put all the local Warhounds in thier place once and for all. Get ready to raid the piggy bank!