RUMORS: IG Rumblings

Rumors brought to the community by Warseer’s: Badger[Fr]
Look what we have here boys and girls:
-3 Leman Russes per HS slot. (requires certain conditions to be met)
– Leman Russes can now move and fire ALL their weapons (including the Battle Canon), regardless of their strength.
-New doctrines, including one which provides +1 to cover and allows firing while going to ground. -New Plastic Command squad.
-Assault 2 Lasguns (probably an upgrade).
-The plastic Valkyrie will cost 60€.
-New plastic Hellhound.
~Standard caveats apply, but some of these would seem to be an attempt to put some “Uumph” back into the Leman Russ. If even half of these and that 4pt guard rumor we heard earlier pan out, those horde ork players better watch out!