40K NEWS: Shadowsword, Stompa, and More

Here’s a bit of recent news from Games Workshop.
The Shadowsword and Stompa kits are now appearing on the “new release” boards in Games Workshop retail stores. The release date is officially posted as March 7 and the price for each kit is posted as $95 US.
Much of the Ork “second wave” is released this weekend, including the plastic Stormboyz, plastic Gretchin and Ork Boss Zagstruk. Check the GW New Release web page for full info on these models.
Games Day North America 2009 tickets will go on sale February 1.
Finally, one of the Apocalypse releases in March will be a bundle deal on the regular Baneblade kit. Designed around the “Steel Fury” Apocalypse formation, it will include three Baneblades and reportedly cost $220 US.