Calling all Admirals…

You’ve seen our coverage of Epic, and in 2009 (HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS!) we will be moving into Battle Fleet Gothic to spice up our GW news coverage.
BoLS needs a talented BFG admiral to help a new generation of eager naval cadets (our readers) learn the ropes of deep space combat. The ideal candidate will possess:
a) Mastery of the BFG game (including the later supplements)
b) Access to a set of well painted fleets representing the major factions in the game
c) Photography skills
d) A flair for writing short form tutorials and tactical pieces
e) Endless enthusiasm about BFG and a desire to share you favorite deep space game with the masses.
~If you think you have what it takes Admiral, then put down that New Year’s drink and email us. Fortune favors the bold!