Lets talk about Rage. Its one of the new shiny and pretty much ignored USRs we got in 5th.
Go ahead and crack open your book to p.76 and give it a read. Basically its what the old 4th edition “electric football” Khorne Berzerkers used to be subject to, but now its been wrapped up into a nice neat generic rule.
Here is my conundrum my fellow gamer/designers. I’m wrestling with one of the last sticking points on an upcoming project that heavily involves the use of the Rage rule and how it interacts with existing units in various army lists. The obvious drawback to Rage is that it means any points you used on heavy weapons is wasted.
My design challenge to you is: how would you alter the rules for units that are equipped with multiple heavy weapons to make them viable choices for a player to select, if they were often subject to rage? Cheaper points? Additional special rules? Something completely different? Be original and defend your ideas. Just for fun, assume the squads in question are Marines, and that your goal is ensure players will still take the units in their armies.
~Have at it, the designers chair is open.