Sink The Shadowsword, Storm The Stompa

Numerous upcoming national events will be held at Games Workshop stores to promote the release of the new Lizardmen models, the Stompa and Shadowsword/Stormlord kits, and the War Of The Ring expansion for the Lord of the Rings game. Storm The Stompa and Sink The Shadowsword events will be held in GW hobby centers on March 7 and 8 respectively as part of “Go Big Weekend!” To see a full list of upcoming events for January, February and March visit the events page of the Games Workshop website.
If you haven’t already, you may want to check out GW’s War Of The Ring teaser video on YouTube. This expansion should do for LotR what Apocalypse did for 40K. There’s a great bit of promotion for this expansion in the latest White Dwarf US issue #349, including photographs of the new plastic Ent models.
On top of the many Baneblade variants I’ve already built, including an Arkurion Shadowsword and a scratch-converted Chaos Stormlord, at a minimum I’m adding a converted Shadowsword to my Chaos forces and a Stormlord to my Imperial Guard army so that each force has one each of these two terrific Baneblade variants. The four other cool variants you can make with the Shadowsword/Stormlord kit also seem like they might be amusing in games, so I may have well over a dozen Baneblade variants around before this year is out. Don’t forget, the Baneblade sponson sprue is available from GW Direct, so you can add those extra sponsons where needed. The Stormlord is an especially suitable candidate for extra sponsons because its job as a transport is to get up close and personal to the enemy. A second set of heavy flamer sponsons helps provide an extra nice warm greeting for enemy troops.