POLL: Worst 40k Unit Edition

Hi all, I wanted to do something a little fun this Sunday in the spirit of the Oscars (the Razzies really).
We’ve all heard so much about the terrifying units in the game lately; from Nob Bikers, to CC Terminators, to Lash Princes and so on…
Its time to have some fun and check out the opposite end of the 40k spectrum. The hopeless units. Some have good rules but are overcosted, others are just ineffective or completely unreliable. You guys know what I’m talking about, those units that you see once every 2 years and say…”Wow I forgot those things even exist!”
The candidates are:
-Imperial Guard Ogryns
-Eldar Support Weapon Batteries
-Dark Eldar Mandrakes
-Chaos Spawn
-Tyranid Biovores
-Necron Paraihs
-Ork Looted Wagons
-Vespid Stingwings
-Penitent Engines
~So take a look over at the right column and vote away. If you think I forgot one, lets hear about who you think is the bottom of the heap. Just for fun, lets hear your memorable stories from the tabletop that involved any of these units.