40K HOBBY: Battleboard Trench & Bunker

When I saw this project in progress at my local Battle Bunker I knew I had to share it with the hobby community. A friend of mine is in the process of combining parts of the Forge World Imperial Trench System with the Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard. There’s a lot of cutting and sawing involved, but the results are already looking terrific.
In the picture above and immediately below, you can see a comparison between a finished board section and one that is still a work in progress. Notice the roughly square hole in the unfinished board, which will house a Forge World Bunker when completed.
This closeup photo shows the partially finished trench installation and open space for another bunker. When completed, the gaps around the trench will be filled to blend with the rest of the board surface. The board and inset trench pieces will then be painted to match the finished board. The existing paint scheme on this unfinished board will be covered by the new paint scheme seen on the finished board section shown in the photos above.
Craters from the GW Moonscape can also be blended into the Realm of Battle Gameboard.
Here’s a glimpse of what a completed trench and bunker installation looks like with actual 40K models stomping about.
I’m looking forward to seeing this project when it’s fully completed and maybe even trying out a game on it myself. As usual, if there are specific questions about this project, I will do my best to answer them.