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40K NEWS: IG Codex Release

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Mar 1 2009

Just a brief bit of news to quicken the pulse of Imperial Guard fans everywhere. The Imperial Guard Codex just appeared on the “new release” announcement board in my local Games Workshop Battle Bunker today. The announced release date is May 2 and the price is $25 US. Seeing it in writing in a Games Workshop store is very reassuring to every Guardsman!

UPDATE: Sorry about the problem with the additional link to the Guard vehicle conversions. The problem has been fixed. Please check them out, you won’t be disappointed.

I’m not sure yet what I’ll be adding to my own Imperial Guard army, but I know it’s going to be something! With the new Valkyrie and new vehicle variants, command models, etc. on their way, a lot of Guard armies are going to be growing for sure. If you’d like to see what my existing Guard army looks like, there are some representative photos of parts of it here. If you’d like to see some insanely well scratch converted Guard vehicles by a friend of mine, check here.

Author: Guest Columnist
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