40K RUMORS: Daemonhunters on the Move?

Image and news brought to the community by Warseer’s Industrial Propoganda, and Static Grass.
So we have been hearing rumblings of plastic Grey Knights as a possibility for a bit now, but along come 2 fellows with a picture of a glorious Grey Knight assault, and a snippet from the artist that he was retained by Games Workshop to produce imagery having to do with the final assault during the 1st War for Armageddon.
Artist’s quote”
“heya guys final piece for the grey knights GW project been working. was asked to do a realy big piece ie compositionaly for a banner/ poster for games day. the brief was to depict the first war of armageddon when the final assault on the inner hive to find and destroy the deamon primrich aragorn and his 12 greater deamons. 200 hundred grey knights space marines went in but only 2 came out. anyway enough with the talk. thanks for looking theo”