Generic Imperial Guard Logo Sheet

Did someone ask for generic Imperial Guard logos?? You all asked (loudly) and you shall recieve.
We are all starting to ramp up our Imperial Guard armies, and gearing up for the row upon row of infantry and tanks that will soon be on our painting tables. As we gather together our IG companies and vehicle squadrons, one of the most fun parts is designing the iconography for our forces. GW does a great job with their Imperial Guard decal sheet, but there are just too many cool army logos, and vehicle/infantry squad markings for those sheets to handle. Here is a logo sheet providing a set of army logos (upper left) vehicle squadron color bands (middle), and infantry squad markings (bottom). The goal of this sheet is to allow you to keep all of your infantry squads/platoons, and vehicle squadrons identifiable across even a very large army. I have also thrown in a set of colorful names, and some regiment stencils for some of our favorite forces. Its just what any self-respecting colonel would want to decorate his forces.
Here is the link to the PDF file for the logo sheet you can freely pull down and use:
The sheet is designed for printout on Decal printer paper which is easily available online. These decals are designed for the WHITE or CLEAR decal paper. The procedure is as follows:
WHITE PAPER: Most of the color squares and army logos are designed for white paper. You will need to cut the logos out exactly (which is why most of them are squares), and can then apply them to any color background. They will completely cover any background color.
CLEAR PAPER: If you use the clear decals, the decals need to be applied to a light colored surface to be visible at all. The procedure for applying the text decals is to apply them to a light color, and wait till they are fully dried. You do not need to cut them out right up to the edge.
Click here for a detailed Custom Decal Tutorial
This entire sheet is sized for tanks, down to sentinels and even infantry shoulder-plates for the bottom squad markings. The infantry markings can also be placed on the back edge of the model’s base, facing the controlling player to help keep your squads seperate. Please make sure you run off a test sheet first on your printer to make sure they will fit your models, and scale the sheet up or down as needed in your print settings.
In any case, enjoy and I wish you the best in using this set for your forces.
~Please feel free to leave comments if there is a special Chapter, Craftworld, or something else you would love to collect, but have no GW decal options, and I will see what I can do.