NEWS: Games Workshop Closings

Hi all,
We’ve been hearing all kinds of news from across the country regarding Games Workshop stores and reorganizations. In no particular order:
North America HQ Re-organization
Apparently in a major re-shuffle the GW-US and GW-Canada groups have been integrated, with many folks getting pink slips as part of the corporate re-shuffling. There is now reportedly one new GW-North America group with responsibility for both US and Canadian operations.
Store Closings
We have heard word of multiple stores being shuttered in the Southern California region, and the shutdown of the Memphis TN, Battle Bunker, along with associated layoffs. There are also reports of sporadic layoffs across the country at GW stores in various locations.
~Talk is that GW’s numbers have been holding up fairly well, and thier last financial report was positive. Perhaps they are tightening the belt as they face the headwinds of the recession, or are just implementing a long-planned corporate reshuffle. If anyone is seeing anything odd with your local GW store, lets hear it.