40K ARMY LIST: The Steel Speculum

JWolf and I had similar thoughts when we decided to build a couple of “competitive, but fun” lists using the new Imperial Guard codex. He chose the Howling Spider Monkeys (an awesome list that can give just about anyone a bloody nose), while I went in a little direction I like to call the “Steel Speculum“.
The focus of this army, like JWolf’s Howling Spider Monkeys, is outflanking. Everything outflanks. But I liked the concept of a mechanized army with some really tough, mobile guns supporting those Chimeras. I really like the image of a mechanized army throwing up dust on an alien planet, with a trio of skimmers bursting through the dust cloud…
In any case, here’s the 2,000 point Imperial Guard list:
Lord Castellan Creed
Company Command Squad (Medic, 3x Plasma Guns, Astropath)
//deployed in Valkyrie, held in reserve to outflank
Company Commander
Company Command Squad (Medic, 3x Plasma Guns, Astropath)
//deployed in Valkyrie, held in reserve to outflank
Captain Al’Rahem
Platoon Command Squad* (Heavy Flamer, Melta Gun), Chimera
//deployed in Chimera, held in reserve to outflank
Infantry Squad* (Melta Gun), Chimera
//deployed in Chimera, held in reserve to outflank
Infantry Squad* (Melta Gun), Chimera
//deployed in Chimera, held in reserve to outflank
Infantry Squad* (Melta Gun), Chimera
//deployed in Chimera, held in reserve to outflank
Infantry Squad* (Melta Gun), Chimera
//deployed in Chimera, held in reserve to outflank
Infantry Squad* (Melta Gun), Chimera
//deployed in Chimera, held in reserve to outflank
*Part of Captain Al’Rahem’s Infantry Platoon
Veteran Squad (3 x Plasma Guns, Demolitions)
//deployed in Valkyrie, held in reserve to outflank
Valkyrie (HB Sponsons)
Valkyrie (HB Sponsons)
Ordnance Battery (3 x Medusas)
//held in reserve to outflank, uses Creed’s Tactical Genius rule
This gives you outflanking 6 Chimeras, 3 Medusa Siege guns, 3 Valkyries with +2 on the Reserve rolls and a re-roll when choosing sides. This means you are going to get almost all of them and they are coming in on the side you want. That’s going to be brutal.
Outflanking Medusa Siege Guns (that can roll on and shoot) are going to be devastating. Combined with the initial volley of Hellstrike Missiles and meltagun shots, you should be able to clear your opponent’s backfield of vehicles. That leaves up to 9 Multi-lasers and 13 Heavy Bolters to thin out the ranks. You’ve also got 24 Lasguns and 6 Meltaguns shooting from the top hatches of Chimeras each turn.
If there’s a nasty knot of bad guys you need to deal with, drop off the Command Squads and Veterans for 18 BS4 Plasma Guns shots and a Demo Charge. Don’t forget to give those units orders so they become twin-linked (or those pesky successful cover saves are re-rolled). Ouch!
~ The only real drawback to the army is the hefty number of kill points. So plan on tabling your enemy in Annihilation games! As always, I’d love to hear your feedback and any ideas on improving the Steel Speculum.