40K: Dark Eldar Musings

Hi, Jwolf here. So, I just picked up a metric ton (I’m not kidding; its like 8000 pts of the spiky little buggers) of Dark Eldar from a friend who has stopped playing. Now I’m trying to figure out what to do with them, and I’m interested in your feedback – especially from you veteran Dark Eldar players. We here at BoLS believe in covering ALL the armies in 40k, and I volunteered for these guys. Here are my first two list ideas.
Archon List
Archon (Shadowfield, Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Combat Drug Dispenser, Xenospasm, Archangel of Pain, Grenades)
Incubi Master (Combat Drug Dispenser, Terrorfex, Hell Mask, Grenades)
5 Incubi (2 Blasters, Plasma Grenades)
3 Warriors (Red Shirts, Plasma Grenades)
Raider (Horrorfex, Night Shields, Trophy Rack)
Wych Drachite (Combat Drug Dispenser, Terrorfex, Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
Succubus (Terrorfex, Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
8 Wyches (Wych Weapons, 2 Blasters, Plasma Grenades)
Raider (Horrorfex, Trophy Rack)
Wych Squad
Succubus (Terrorfex, Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
9 Wyches (Wych Weapons, 2 Blasters, Plasma Grenades)
3xWarrior Squad
10 Warriors (2 Dark Lances)
2xRaider Squad
10 Warriors (Dark Lance, Blaster)
Raider (Horrorfex, Trophy Rack)
2x Ravager (2x Disentegrator, 1x Dark Lance)
Lelith Hesperax List
Lelith Hesperax
Succubus (Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
8 Wyches (Wych Weapons, 2 Blasters, Plasma Grenades)
Raider (Horrorfex, Trophy Rack)
Wych Drachite (Combat Drug Dispenser, Terrorfex, Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
Succubus (Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
8 Wyches (Wych Weapons, 2 Blasters, Plasma Grenades)
Raider (Horrorfex, Trophy Rack)
3xWych Squad
Succubus (Combat Drug Dispenser, Agoniser, Splinter Pistol, Wych Weapons, Grenades)
9 Wyches (Wych Weapons, 2 Blasters, Plasma Grenades)
Raider (Horrorfex)
One Succubus has a Webway Portal
2xWarrior Squad
10 Warriors (2 Dark Lances)
2x Ravager (2x Disentegrator, 1x Dark Lance)
Warp Beast Squad (3 Beasts and a Beastmaster)
~I don’t really know what I’m doing other than painting a few hundred Dark Eldar, so give me your thoughts, dread Lords and Ladies of Commorragh.