40K Deep Thought: Buildings and Ruins

Hi guys, lets sit back, relax, and have a great Warhammer 40000 conversation this Saturday night.
Your homework assignment is to crack open the 40k rulebook and read p.77-85. Go ahead, grab a refreshing beverage, sit back and take the 15 minutes to read them.
Now think about how you will categorize your local club’s terrain and modify your tactics to take advantage of these rules.
I’m always surprised how many of us treat all our terrain as either impassible or generic “4+ area terrain” when we have such cool rules to make our games have more character.
~I want to hear about how you will modify your deployment, fire priority, and assualt tactics to gain maximum advantage from buildings and ruins. If you have specific unit or army examples, lets hear them.
I’ll start first. I always try to categorize appropriate terrain as multi-level ruins, and stripe out my squads with the powerfist Sergeant and a couple of scrubs deep in cover on the ground floor, heavy/special weapons on the middle floors and further scrubs on the top floors. It makes squads more difficult to assault, and maddeningly difficult to nail with template or barrage weapons. Your turn…