40k HOBBY: BoLS Reaver: Part 1

Hi guys, Minus67 here,
Since I did not win the Reaver at the Adepticon 2009 Gladiator because I *lost* to Jwolf I figured that getting to build the beast would be the next best thing. Whatever you thought about how intimidatingly awesome a model could be is flat wrong. This model is the most ridiculous project I will have ever tackled. I am building two Warhound titans just for practice!
Here are some pictures of all the pieces and some attempt to give you a sense of scale, just a note, the table is 4.5 feet long. Over the next couple of weeks I will be chronicling my journey through one of the most awesome models I have ever seen.
With a model of this complexity and size, parceling out the labor is critical. I will be doing assembly, Bigred will do exterior painting, and Bushidoredpanda is tackling the interior work.
~Wish us luck, We’ll need it.