40K HOBBY: Necromundan 142nd – Standing Down

This is a bit of a sad post for me. What you will see below is the first army I am voluntarily retiring. The Necromundan 142nd has been fighting for the Immortal Emperor of Mankind for literally 20 years. I started collecting them in 1989, when the Imperial Guard came in this great box of 36 guys for $30! How times have changed.
They have seen 5 different versions of their home, the Imperial Guard come and go. Some time ago, the Beastmen Attack Squads wandered off, then all the Ogryn had to start carrying Ripper guns. Their Adeptus Mechanicus Adepts lost track of their hallucinogen grenades, and the Whiteshields and Penal Battallions, came, then went, then came back again. The Commissar Training Squads were lost in the mists of time, and the Commander’s Imperial jetbike went with them.
But at last, the burdon of the new 5th Edition codex is just to much to bear. So many things don’t work any more and the latest minis have gotten to irresistably good for me to pass up. I’ve also tired of hearing the classic “dude, you can only play with GW minis” quip from the players who are younger than the army.
The 142nd got to go out in a blaze of glory at the feet of a Reaver titan at this year’s Adepticon, but after 20 years of service, they have earned thier rest. It was an honor to command you guys for 20 years, enjoy your retirement soldiers.
Here is one last set of pics of these true “veteran squads” of the 40k universe. They surely aren’t the oldest IG army in the world, but they are up there.
~Now the real decision is Cadian or Catachan? I will be running some more posts in the future as I refit and update the 142nd’s motorpool and begin to rebuild my IG army. I’m stuck in the unfortunate position of liking the Catachan Command Squad and the Cadian infantry the best… over thier opposite counterparts, so I’m really torn as to which direction to go. What should I do guys?