40K RUMORS: Games Day France

Rumors brought to the community by: Lone Pilgrim
So 40k blogger Lone Pilgrim reported some juicy nuggets a few days ago, but they kind of got lost in the wind. Highlights are:
-The massive Dark Angel Citadel shown in Planetstrike will be available in plastic!
-Phil Kelly is writing Codex: Dark Eldar.
-Necrons are being worked on, but are further out than Dark Eldar.
-The much anticipated Forgeworld Lord of Change is due out near Christmas.
-The next Forgeworld Book AFTER Siege of Vraks: 3 will focus on Orks vs Elysians.
~Standard caveats on these guys. Go read all the rest of the goodies over at Lone Pilgrim. Of course no official work on a Dark Eldar release schedule, but we hear they are not that far after Space Wolves. There are also apparently some little tidbits regarding their background in Planetstrike, such as their worship of Khaine. Hmm…