40k RUMORS: Planetary Empires

Rumors brought to the community by Warseer’s: Shadowphrakt
More word on the Warhammer 40000 version of Mighty Empires.
“With regard to Planetstrike being released in June, the Planetary Empires expansion pack, which was seen at Conflict Scotland: 08, is finally due for release in July of this year- a month after Planet Strike I believe.
The box contents are similar to that of Mighty Empires, but obviously with new designs. It contains the same size tiles, but with ones for cities, add ons for hive cities and the like.It is designed for being used to map out campaigns, and is just a very nice thing to have as a GW enthusiast.
The boxset, along with all new tiles and new things to put in tiles. The boxset contains the new Planetary Empires rulebook – what was seen at Conflict Scotland: 08. All the changes needed – such as taking out the Baneblade artwork in the workshop – have been made.”
~Look out map-based campaigns. the nice thing about this type of set, is that the hex-tiles and icons give everyone a consistant set of playing pieces and you can invent campiagns and special rules to your heart’s content. The Fly Lords will almost certainly make a future campaign book based around these tiles for all you crazy map-based campaigners.