40k RUMORS: Plastic Hellhound & More

Hi all,
A quick one, but we heard the Games Worksho presentation at Adepticon, and while not offering up pictures, the rep did say that a plastic Hellhound was in the Warhammer 40k pipeline. It will allow buildouts as any of the Hellhound variants, and would “look even better than the Forgeworld Hellhound”
We also got to take a quick peek at the IG codex and can say that The Dude’s superb IG summary on Warseer is pretty much 100% correct. Did I mention that Stormtroopers are armed with Hellguns, Hellpistols and a CCW!!! The Hydra ignores the coversave for skimmers moving fast as well as turbo-boosting bikes! Finally, it may be possible to combine some IG options to give their enemies a -2 to all Reserve rolls! Can you guys think of any specific armies that won’t like those abilities? I can.
~We offered up our preliminary thoughts on the effect of the new codex on the 40k 5th Edition scene on an upcoming 40K RADIO podcast, so keep an eye out for it. Comment away folks!