Adepticon or Bust!
We are off everybody…
The Fly Lords are hitting the road for Adepticon. We’re headed up with the Air team:
-Big Nick
And our super-truckers Groundteam are driving all of our armies, cameras, and bulky stuff:
We hope to meet as many of your guys in person this year. Bigred will be the guy wearing this:
We are all playing in this year’s Gladiator, then the Fly Lords are judging the Team Tourney, so don’t try anything tricksy or Jwolf will dispense the dreaded “Vexantrope to the Solar Plexus” on any perpetrators 🙂 We are going to have a BLAST!
~Wish us luck, and we will give you all liveblogging coverage from the convention floor over the weekend. Details on our Adepticon armies are coming shortly.