LoTR SHOWCASE: Gentleben’s Haradrim

You know, a while ago, Gentleben said he was taking a long haitus from 40k and dissapeared into the Texas sunset. Like all good things, he just couldn’t stay away from BoLS forever, and has been recently pulled back into the thick of things with War of the Ring.
He came into our FLGS aiming to impress and threw down with his fledgling Haradrim army. now some pointers here:
1) Note the use of a subdued palette based on real world middle-eastern natural dyes.
2) Note the odd lack of standard War of the Ring movement trays for his infantry and cavalry. Instead each company has its own desert themed custom base.
3) Note that #3 is only possible because EACH model has had magnets embedded in their feet and a metal plate embedded into the bases…madness!
~Like I said, Gentleben came to knock our socks off, and pretty much did it. We last saw him sauntering off into the parking lot with a pile of Easterlings, so you know the followup post will be even better.