REVIEW: Battlefoam P.A.C.K. System

The P.A.C.K. (Personal Army Combat Kit) System
Hi guys, Bigred here. Lets talk about the new Battlefoam P.A.C.K. army transport system. You may have heard of this new product offering from Battlefoam, and we got a chance to really get a good look at the new system at Adepticon. Lets take a closer look and see how it stacks up.
The PACK system is a set of sturdy army transport bags with foam inserts to carry and protect your valuable army. The bags currently comes in 3 sizes to meet gamers needs; the 216, 432, and 1520. Thanks to Battlefoam’s oversized trays and advanced cutting technology those numbers stand for the maximum number of 28mm figures you could fit into each case. That is a TON of minis!
The very first thing I noticed when I picked up this bag was how sturdy it was. Battlefoam bags have the same exterior canvas covering you expect on bags of this type, but they conceal a hard plastic shell which gives the bags great rigidity. If you have ever had the sense of terror as something heavy was placed atop your current army transport bag, you will appreciate this feature.
Oversized Trays
Battlefoam’s oversized 15.5″x12″ trays can fit substantially more models per tray then other army transport options. An average tray can hold 72 minis in a single 1″ thick tray. You can do the math to see how it doesn’t take to many of these 1” trays to haul your entire collection of models around in a compact space.
Customized Trays
This is Battlefoam’s secret sauce. With their proprietary cutting system, you can get any foam tray cut out EXACTLY to fit your unique army needs. With everything from preset trays designed for russes, drop pods, baneblades, heavy weapon teams, terminators, and more there is a tray just right for you. If you have something especially unique, you can even submit a design to Battlefoam and get a tray custom cut to fit your needs.
This custom cutting can be done not only with the P.A.C.K. system’s foam trays, but standard sized trays used by other army transport manufacturers. As a final perk, you can even have lettering or logos cut out of your trays to match your army, your name, or anything else you can imagine.
Foam Density
One of the subtle yet impressive Battlefoam features is the quality of their foam. With almost triple the density of other foam trays, a fully loaded P.A.C.K. system with foam trays inside is virtually a solid, able to not only protect your minis but absorb a great deal of pressure. I personally loaded some minis into a P.A.C.K. 432, spun it around like a top a couple of times, then sat on it like a chair (I’m @175 lbs). After 30 seconds, I sat up, unpacked the minis and they and the bag were unharmed. A really impressive test I would never dream of trying with my current army pack.
In short, this is one of the most innovative products to hit the miniatures wargaming scene in a few years. It is an impressive piece of work, and if you care about the safety of your valuable Warhammer army look no further than the P.A.C.K. system. It is the Mercedes-Benz of army transport solutions, and you should check them out over at Tell them BoLS sent you.
5 stars (out of 5)