Warhammer Poll: Tabletop Painting Standards

This one goes out to all of us Warhammer players, on both the 40k and Fantasy side.
Its a sticky subject, but lets get right to it: What painting quality level do you like to see on the tabletop when you play, and what standards do you hold yourself to?
Lets go over the major schools of thought and see where you guys come down:
Fully Painted:
These folks feel the game is a visual experience, and take great pleasure in fielding fully painted armies. Throwing down with a viable list is secondary to having everything fully painted, and if they lose a few games with an unbalanced aarmy along the way…well so be it.
Mostly Painted:
These folks are like the fully painted people, but will occasionally field one or two unpainted minis in bare metal or plastic to try them out on the board. They are reliable painters, but want to play effective armies, and wont let a couple of unpainted units spoil their fun.
Primed/Tabletop Quality:
These people are all about playing the game, and may paint up an occasional squad or slowly move through their army, painting the easy three-color minimums standards you often see. They are primarily focussed on the rules and tactics of the game, not painting the minis and are perfectly happy with many of thier models assembled and spray-painted.
Hey guys, its a tactical game, so lets get playing. These folks dont paint their Monopoly pieces, so why should they paint their Warhammer 40k/WFB pieces. They love the playing of the game above all else and have no problems fielding entire armies of just assembled models.
~So what do you consider yourself to be, and what do you see in your area? Be honest, and lets hear about WHY you play the way you do and what you would like to see in your area. Of course crazy funny stories are always appreciated.
Poll, right hand column, ATTACK!