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BoLS RSS Special Request

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Jun 20 2009

So remember when Google messed with the auto forwarding to our new .net domain (you all have updated your links to point at right)?

Well it looks like our older legacy RSS feed is somehow tied up in the issue as well. I would suggest that anyone who uses our RSS feed, re-subscribe via the button on the top right-hand column. Until Google works through this issue, the old legacy RSS feed may not be updating. The new one you want for your RSS readers is:

UPDATE: You bloggers may also want to re-add our current address to your google blogroll widgets. The old address may not be updating. Grrr… šŸ™‚

~Again, thanks for helping out during this little technical snafu. Come on Google, come on!

Author: Larry Vela
  • ADEPTICON: Closing Images, Adepticon 2009

    Warhammer 40K