FANTASY PAINTING: Dark Elf Manticore
2 Minute Read
Jun 19 2009

My most recent painting project was this Dark Elf Dread Lord riding a Manticore that I painted on commission for Full of Monkey Design studio. My client wanted to avoid the typical purple, dark blue, and/or black color schemes that are so prevalent in most Dark Elf armies, and instead has chosen yellow as his main color.
I think my client’s choice to avoid painting the Manticore black, like on the website was a good idea, as it’ll prevent the model from looking like a massive shadow on the tabletop.
Below are some pics at different angles and zoom levels. Enjoy!

It had been about 4 years since I’d painted a set of the GW dragon/daemon/whathaveyou wings and I had forgotten just how much surface area there was on them! I’m definitely pleased with how they turned out, though.
Here’s a close up of the Dread Lord himself. My client wished for me to use gold sparingly so as not to conflict with the yellow cloth, so I limited it to some of the fancy designs that embellish his armor.
~ I’d love to hear what you think about the model, even if you don’t play Fantasy, yourself.

Author: Guest Columnist