NEWS: Flying Stand, Skulls Bitz, Chaos Icons Bitz Packs, New Brushes

The much anticipated Chaos Icons and Pack of Skulls “bitz packs” are available from GW Direct. This includes the following.
Five different Chaos Icons Bitz Packs, 10 icons for $8.25 US:
– Chaos Icons
– Khorne Chaos Icons
– Nurgle Chaos Icons
– Slaanesh Chaos Icons
– Tzeentch Chaos Icons
Plus the Pack of Skulls for $11.50, containing 32 individual skulls, 2 small skull piles and 1 large skull pile.
The Flying Stand that comes with the Valkyrie kit is also now available separately for $10 US.
~Can a Warhammer 40k/Fantasy player ever really have too MANY skulls? I thought not 🙂