WFB PAINTING: Bigred’s Druchii Complete!

“Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty I’m free at last!”
My friends, it has been a long road. Almost 20 years ago I choose 40k over Fantasy and swore I would never look back. Then last year I saw those plastic Cold One Knights, and something in my icy Grinch heart skipped a beat… I was enthralled.
You have been with me along this journey. First I choose a paint-scheme, then began the slow grind of painting more, and more, and yet more.
September 08- Bigred Picks His Army
November 08 – First Units Painted
May-09 – Army Mostly Completed
As I was painting, I was also reading everything I could regarding the Old World as the last time I was into Warhammer it still had Fimir in it. Along with this came my training games, and let me tell you losing 12 games straight is just what anyone who is struggling to find incentive to paint that 3rd set of 12 crossbowmen really needs 🙂
But at last I stand before you… With my army done. I don’t feel like I’m a good Fantasy player, but it is no longer foreign and I have a new exciting feeling. When I play this new exciting game with my new fully painted army, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of sheer FUN I’m having.
~Now that my first Warhammer Fantasy army is complete, its time to start my next army. Its for yet another GW game system and it also involves pointy ears. Yes I know, I am a glutton for punishment… My wife says its a sickness, I hope I never recover 🙂
Comments are welcome (yes I know, I’m working on banner logos now), but lets hear about what armies you are working on now, and what you hope to start up as your next army project?