40k EDITORIAL: What Really Matters?
Since the new Imperial Guard Codex came out, we’ve been having a lot of discussions about what really matters in 40K. Rather than tell you my thoughts first, I’ll ask you the question now, and give you my answer later. Here are some of the lines of thought we’ve explored, as a basis for the discussion:
List Maximizing?
Is building a great list a good thing or a bad thing? Or is making a bad list actually better?
Wargear Spamming?
If Eight Meltaguns are good, are Eighteen Meltaguns better? (Spam, even as a theme)
Denial Tactics?
Playing to deny your opponent two turns of shooting (surrendering the initiative and holding everything Reserve) – good tactics or President Nixon?
~I especially want to hear from people who play a lot of tournaments AND play with very casual players – where is the balance? What do you think matters most in playing the game?