40K Rumors: Latest Space Wolves

Rumors collated for the community by B&C’s: Megaladon
Ok guys, 2 new batches of 40k Space Wolves rumors rolled together here:
“I can’t really explain too much on “Sagas” and the name they have chosen to call the new marine traits.
The Space Wolf army is themed on movement. Move, Assault, Fire, Move, Assault, Fire, etc. Its not meant to be a static army. It’s also an army to be filled with lots of Troop Choices.
13th Company are not officially dead but are special choices based on your army. This Im not clear on whether they are a “Legion of the Damned” choice, or something based on the HQ you purchase.
Pack Leaders are now unit upgrades and are not purchased from Elites. This Im not 100% on either.
Grey Hunters are strongly rumored to be able to take a second special weapon in their squads. That is something that I don’t understand why Salamander’s don’t have anymore.
Long Fangs “May” be able to have some sort of a special rule where they can move and fire, but not assault.
Blood Claws have been re-worked to level with 5th Edition in respect to “Bezerk Charge.” What it is Im not sure. “
“What I have heard with respect to the Saga’s is that
Wolf Lords will be able to take two sagas. They will have a wide variety of weapon options. I have also heard that they will be able to make on unit of Wolf Guard a troops choice but I need confirmation on this.
Wolf Priests will basically be a chaplain and apothacary combined in that they will have a Power weapon, Iron wolf amulet and Healing balms and potions as standard. So they will ignore armour saves, have a 4+ invulnerable save and confer Feel no Pain on any unit they join. They will be able to take one sage and apparently cost about 130pts.
Rune Priests will come with Force Weapon as standard and will be able to take some very nifty psychic powers unique to them. They will be able to take one Saga.
Iron Priests will be brought in line with the Techmarines of the normal codex. I do not know if they will be HQ or Elite but they too will take one Saga.
Wolf Guard battle leaders will be an upgrade for Wolf Guard packs and will be able to take one Saga as standard. “
~Standard caveats apply to all this stuff until preview copies hit the stores. Expect the codex out in October.