GW – 40K RUMORS: The Mystery Box
rumors brought to the community by warseer’s: genestealer_baldric
So the plot thickens folks. In a highly unusual marketing move, word is starting to dribble out of GW of a totally secret product that will be unveiled in stores in August. It is described as something totally new and unheard of, that will be a limited run. The current rumors swirling about are:
-Product announcement on 15-16th August, with a ship date in September.
-August/september they are selling a box set for around £50. (@$70 USD)
-It is a completely stand alone set that is not related to any race.
-It is something that GW has never done before.
-Some local stores are only getting one shipment; when that sells out it will no longer be available.
-You can’t advance order it. You have to be there on the day to get it.
-It is not Planetary Empires.
-It is a board game.
-Very limited GW people know what it is. Blueshirts have indicated what they know and the Blackshirts avoid questions.
-Likely to be 40K related, but not definitely confirmed.
There is also this image which showed up in the BoLS inbox, from a poster for the upcoming Gamesday-Germany which announces a “bomb being dropped” at the event.
~It’s speculation time. Have at it. My money is still on Space Hulk, but who can say?