WFB HOBBY: Sculpting Ogre Conversions

Today I wanted to showcase the work of a friend of mine who used to work at Games Workshop. Jake Landis is an extraordinary hobbyist with tons of talent in the painting, sculpting and general creativity department. Once upon a time he used to spend much of his days building some of the spectacular scenic tables that were featured at North American Games Day events. Jake is no longer with Games Workshop, but that hasn’t stopped him from putting his creative talents to good use on his own projects. Watching him work when we’re at the Battle Bunker together is always a treat.
One of Jake’s most recent projects involves sculpting conversions on Ogre Kingdoms models. This project comprises massive amounts of sculpted Kneadatite (aka “green stuff”) to dress his Ogres up as if they are Mongol warriors in traditional garb. The picture at the top of this article shows three finished products of this effort, while the two photos below provide both back and front views of work in progress.
If you’d like to see more of his work, head on over to Jake’s own personal hobby website.
I hope you’ll take the time to check out the website of this talented sculptor and hobbyist. There is a comments area at the site and Jake is one of the nicest, most helpful veteran hobbyists you’re likely to meet, so if you have any questions or encouragement, feel free to leave some comments in the appropriate area on his site. Thanks!