HOBBY: 40k Hydra Conversion

I was wondering around my FLGS this las week and saw this nice pair of homebrew Hydra’s done by BoLS reader: crazyredpraetorian. I knew the moment I saw them that this particular conversion has a good chance of being the “gold standard” of Hydras until GW one day comes out with the rumored plastic kit.
What we have here is one standard Chimera, with it’s turret temporarily removed. The key to the Hydra of course is the turret. This one is built using the set of Quad Autocannons and mount from the Aegis Defense Line kit. I think the results look pretty darned good.
Conversion Steps:
-Relocate the round swivel piece from the top to the bottom of the turret mount.
-Cover the now exposed top of the turret mount with a piece of plasticard.
-Drill a small hole in both sides of the turret mount for a small piece of dowel
-Glue the pairs of autocannons to each side of the dowel.
You could certainly dress up yours with some extra bits, such as radar dishes, antennae, and such. The base conversion itself takes minutes, and gets you nice fieldable Hydras on the tabletop overnight.
~Lets give it up for crazyredpraetorian and by all means throw the comments in there! What are you guys doing for not only Hydras but the other IG tanks that have no kit available?